The TIWLink control allows the developer to add a "link like" control to the IW forms. The Caption of the control is shown as a HTML link but it does not work as an usual HTML link, ie, it does not open a new page automatically, for example. The developer needs to use one of the control's events to execute any code you want to associate with the IWLink control.
TIWLink = class(TIWCustomControl)
property Confirmation: string;
Use this property to inform the browser to ask the user to confirm the operation assigned to the control's OnClick event. The text you type will be shown in the confirmation dialog showed by the browser. If the user presses OK, the code associated with the OnClick event will be execute. Has no effect for Async events.
property RawText: Boolean;
Use this property to indicate if the component will emit the Caption text as plain HTML, wihch will be interpreted by the browser as such.
property OnClick;
This event is triggered when the user click on the control. This event forces the full page to be rendered, ie, it is a full submit event.
procedure TIWForm1.lnkViewReportClick(Sender: TObject);
xFileName: string;
xFileName := gSC.UserCacheDir + 'sales_report.pdf';
UserSession.Sales.GenerateSalesReport(xFileName, dtFrom, dtTo);
iwURLWindowReport.URI := xFileName;